Dr Fulminare Bandijcat Noctule Bat


Tuesday 23 December 2014

A Sidekick Advent Calendar: Day 23

We kicked off the advent calendar with a Birdbook sample from the future. For our penultimate entry, then, a Birdbook sample from the past, and our very first volume. Tis the most Christmassy of birds, the fat old robin!

Poem by the ever-compelling Bethany Settle and artwork by the very talented Katherine Leedale.


The dark day I first
Grasped intuition
You were my reward
That which is needed
May be singing
To you
From several miles away
I learnt backwards,
Years later,

You sung me
What is
Beneath skin, feathers
So light - reboned, rescaled
I watched me from you
How hungry we both were

Now, years later,
We sing in all directions
We are the same,
Robin. Light,
Matter has dressed you in red,
But I can put it on
(And most days, do)

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